Reverse Beeper Disconnect

Well, I found the 45 second delay beeper on the firewall by the steering column on my 2007 ELXD. I cannot find the reverse beeper. Any help on its location or how to disconnect it would be greatly appreciated. I have the dash apart and tried listening for the location but it sounds buried.

cut the DB/LG darkblue light green cable on controller
its on pin 10,“reverse buzzer driver”


This is a safety feature

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Thank you for your responses. You are both correct.

There is only 1 beeper

On my 2013 E6S the reverse beeper is on the PSDM circuit board. I opened mine up and covered the beeper with some tape to reduce the volume. It still serves its purpose without making everyone cringe. I think I shared photos of this in another post before but can’t recall.

yes but easy to cut cable on pin 10 and also put a on off switch if you want