New heat sink and which fan

As far as overheating and code 41 I’ve noticed that the difference between overheating and running just fine is only a few degrees I installed my fan on a switch and on hot days with lots of people inside if the car overheated I simply Turned on the controller fan and my overheating issues were gone

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@grantwest - But you are also running the big BBQ grill/heatsink, Yes?

Or are you saying a fan moving air around under there helps?

Yes, he added a heatsink also.
But if you keep the thermal resistance low between controller and the aluminum it’s mounted to, it absolutely helps.
Counter-intuitive that a thin aluminum plate is better when using a fan. Less resistance. One member thought it a good idea to mount controller to a thick copper plate.
While it seems a good idea, it only helps if more surface area is exposed.
If not, it only adds resistance between controller and mounting plate, and one more troublesome junction.
Some Polaris models mount controller over a cutout, exposing the base of controller to air flow.
I can only assume that this was engineered and or tested.