Has anyone heard about this new EV scooter coming out this fall? It’s called the GenZe. They’re based in Northern California.
The website says it only has a range of 30 miles. But the battery is detachable, so in theory you can just recharge it at work every day.
I’m seriously thinking about getting one for my work commute. My car is a Chevy Volt, so I know a ~30 mile range is enough to get me through an average day.
Has anybody else heard of this scooter or know anything about it?
I’m excited for the GenZe! I just saw this cool video on their Twitter from CNBC and it looks like an awesome electric vehicle. It’s definitely going to make my commute a lot easier.
Yes. It’s great news about GenZe. It has good features. But, if you have better from than, then you can see regarding electric scooter which having good features. electricbikescootercar.co.uk