The New Curtis controllers to be released as the 1238e and 1239e to be much more costly. To comply with the Euro Union Standard, they will be dual microprocessor based resulting in a more costly design. The 1239e will be the higher voltage model still not scheduled for a release, may be a long time coming. Also, OEM’s with a Curtis contract are not permitted to sell controllers without a motor. It violates the OEM agreement. Those waiting to upgrade to the higher voltage controller probably wont be able to get one any time soon, and will be very costly.
Great news, Curtis is allowing me to order the new 144vdc 1239-8501 500a controller for delivery around 6/1/13 for $2500.00. I am also going to put together a trade-in program for those who want to upgrade their 1238-7501 or 7601 controllers to the 1239-8501. I can be reached at EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED If interested PM me and I will respond to your message.
Update 9/6/13
Curtis 1239 144 VDC Controller is released by Curtis and as I said expensive.$3800 without trade in.
[QUOTE=evnut;14961]The New Curtis controllers to be released as the 1238e and 1239e to be much more costly. To comply with the Euro Union Standard, they will be dual microprocessor based resulting in a more costly design. [/QUOTE]
What is the new Euro Union standard about?