Miles/kwh v estimated range

The car is telling me that I am averaging 4.7 - 4.9 miles per Kwh. I reset every few weeks to maintain a current average.

When the car tells me I have a 100% charge the estimated range is only 90 miles.

Simple maths, 4.8 times 24 Kwh, tells me I should have a range of about 115 miles.

Anyone else seen this, or do I only have 19 Kwh battery capacity. Mileage is only 8500 and less than 2 years old. First year was as a demonstrator so little trips all the time.

Welcome to the real world.

I had hoped for something a little more informative.


There’s a youtube show, Fully Charged, in which the host drives his Leaf to depletion…


He he shows that once it reaches the “end of range” that it will still keep going and eventually go into limp mode.

Not sure of the exact distance, once past the indicated range, and when it goes into turtle mode?

Thanks for pointing me to this series of videos. I have watched many of them and only the one of the press release of the 30kw leaf in Nice showed any info on mileage. One shot showed the dash showing 100% charge and 225 km estimated range. This translated to 140 miles, which when divided in 30 Kwh gave 4.7 miles/kwh. This still leaves me wondering why my 4.7 miles/kwh with 24kwh only gives me 90 miles.

I am still interested in other peoples results. How many miles/kwh are other people achieving and what does that give in guesstimated range?

[quote=terryrow;33094]When the car tells me I have a 100% charge the estimated range is only 90 miles.

Simple maths, 4.8 times 24 Kwh, tells me I should have a range of about 115 miles. [/quote]

Shift it into ECO mode and the range should increase significantly on the gauge.

Hey bud are you driving highway or city traffic? I noticed my leaf depletes much quicker on highway vs city driving. That could make up the difference you are expecting out of your battery.

Also the heater can drain it quickly as well.

Car is almost always in eco mode, only use full power when 4 up and need to overtake comfortably. Now that the weather is colder, the miles/kwh has dropped to less than 4. I am assuming it is a combination of cold battery, some heater use and headlights on. Still not seen what other people are achieving in miles/kwh.

Mostly use on country roads and small town use. 2015 leaf uses a/c for heater which greatly reduces consumption. Traveling faster on main roads will use more power. It takes 4 times as much power to drive twice as fast. That applies to all vehicles on land, sea or air.