How to use GE Sentry Software

Hi All,

I figured this would be a good new thread because I don’t see much info on it elsewhere. I just downloaded GE Sentry software to talk to my T4 controller in my GEM. I think I have the connector to USB plugged in correctly, but after that I don’t know the first thing how to talk to it, do I turn the key of the car on? What buttons do I press in the software, ect. Any advise would be helpful.

word on the street is @MikeKC might be able to help :wink:



I have never used the GE software, but it can’t be that hard, There should be drivers installed with the software to make the USB talk serial. Somewhere in the software you will need to choose a COM port. Once that is chosen, then you should be talking.
Yes, the car needs powered up ( I think ) at a minimum you will need the main breaker on to get power to the controller, the P1 just activates the controller.

The other Michael. @LithiumGods maybe!


I got the software and cable ready to go. I found a manual for the GE software. It looks like I need a .MDB file for my T4 to communicate with it. Would you have this or a password for GE Sentry to change user level?



Ok I’m gonna tag on as well. It’s about time for me to play with the T-4 cable I bought from David years ago

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Its been so long since I set mine up I don’t remember it all . There should be a file on the disc that has instructions on how to configure it . Daves cable plugs right in the other one requires a usb adapter , some adapters wont work . Start with finding the file for setup and we can go from there .