General EV Questions and Answers. (noobs, come here first please)

I’ll try not to make this too lengthy

My dad and I are trying to convert my car from a combustion engine to an electric motor.
We are using a 36v fork lift motor. And we plained on using three series of three 12v batteries in parallel.
Sorry that last sentence was kind of confusing

                                                   --!---[=]--[=]--[=]---!---   (like this)

But anyway I’m using a controller that needs 400 AH. The 12v batteries that we where going to use put out 85 AH each. I got to thinking and I think that three batteries in series will still put out 85 AH. If thats the case then with the AH of the 3 series will total 245 AH which will mean that we are 155 AH short.

If we do come up short i don’t know what that will affect. The three possibilities that i can think of are that it ether
Wont work at all
Work until the starting juice drops bellow 400 AH
Work but not obtain its maximum rpm

Please help
and Thanks for your time