thanks Hope to get back to tomorrow.
I did find a left rear brake sticking after a little cleaning it no longer sticks. I was able to drive 7 miles instead of 5.5 miles before alarm , Today I went 10 miles. each time it still slows and has a temperature alarm at the end. But both times I took a laser Thermometer AND WENT OVER THE INTIRE CART. Underneath and under hood. The brakes are minimum above outside temp. likewise differential and halfshaft joints . The motor is about 145* except the bolt heads evenly spaced around the motor. My guess where the coils are bolted on. These bolt heads are at 220*. both ends of motor 140*. ANy ideas ? My guess brushes? Can they be cleaned with out removing the motor from car? 2009 e2 . less than 2000 miles on car. new deka gel 8g31 . The motor looks simple to remove.