EV COMPONENT became SCAM company Jmes Morrison steals from costumers

James Morrison said here that he won’t reply anymore to those who paid their cells , but yesterday he answered to a quotation , he is selling several times his stock to make more money , but nobody will receiv anything
please spead the information , don’t take any order and start a complaint quickly if you are a victim (adresses are indicated in the post below)
EV COMPONENTS not delivering orders anymore ? - DIY Electric Car Forums

it has also been showed that Lithiumstorage have now the stock of stolen Thundersky cells and is taking orders
just don’t buy any of these TS cells
more than 30 victim involved
EV COMPONENTS not delivering orders anymore ? - DIY Electric Car Forums

anyone has news from the court trial? did they force James Morrison to refund the goods he stole to his costumers?