ERROR CODES - for 2002 e825 GEM

Thanks for the reply about the error codes, I just thought having a list showing all or some of the error codes might be helpful to all.
Right now I do not have a problem that I know of ?, as I’m just getting my 2002 e825 to the point where I’m putting everything together and ready for road test to see how it runs etc.

| AssyRequired
August 10 |

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Body types? These things don’t care what you look like or how you identify as. The codes will be more associated to what motor controller is powering your car.

Some codes disappear and other codes are added when you progress through the years.

You can start off with this cheat sheet.

COMPLETE list of GEM error CODES GEM Forum

Some of the following codes do not appear in the factory manual. Not all of these codes will necessarily apply to all model years. Corrective actions are listed following each code. Thanks to several other members and Ride for Fun who have provided new codes for this list. Also see my post listing the Zivan NG1 charger errors. Complete list of GEM error codes: Error Code Descri…

More information can be found in the service manual for your car or even the Tech manual for you motor controller.

Are you having an issue that you don’t understand?