Electric Vehicles are here to stay. We have been building and driving them for 10 years and have experience in cars, trucks,
boats, snowmobiles, motorcycles but specialize in Porsche Evs. This auction is for the conversion of an electric
vehicle you send or purchase locally. Special discounts for Porsche 911 Ev conversions.
Conversion includes:
- Vehicle analysis for speed, range needed before starting package component selection.
*1000 amp controller, Heavy duty Ev motor, on board charger, meter for voltage in dash, 4 year warranty batteries, safety quick disconnect
and a professionaly built system.
*Ev conversions take about 3-6 weeks for standard package.
110V or 220V charging packages, available with 85% charge in 45 min.
Conversion done in W. palm Beach Florida. This auction includes one way Free voucher for shipping back to you anywere in the continental U.S.
Paypal for deposit of $200 secures appointment for conversion