Do you know that there are electric rideable meet ups?

Hey eriders riders,

As you may already know, we recently moved our Solowheel team to San Diego, California. For the past couple of years, Solowheel has been relatively silent in the community. We are confident that with the recent changes and improvements we have made, that will no longer be the case.

EUC riders will attest to the thrill of the gliding experience and how much fun riding in groups can be. In many countries around Europe and Asia, EUC events are commonplace. It is ironic that this amazing device originated here in the States, yet there are still so few meet-up groups.

Solowheel inventing the electric rideable was the first step, we believe growing a community of riders and supporting meet-up groups is the logical next step. It is for this reason that Solowheel has come up with a ‘Meet-up Plan’ to support any enthusiast willing to create local meet-up events. To achieve this, Solowheel is devoting considerable resources, all in a bid to create an enjoyable riding culture from the West to the East Coast.


Objective: Create local meet-up events nationally in selected cities.*

Organizer: Anyone who is passionate about EUC rideable and is willing to organize weekly events.

Participants: Anyone with any brand EUC can attend.

Solowheel Sponsorship: Once approved, Solowheel will loan out a rideable to the organizer. Depending on how good the local meet-up events are, the organizer will be eligible to receive a free product every two months.