Charging at car dealerships?

Hello, I am considering purchasing an EV. I was looking at a database of charging stations

I noticed that many of the charging stations are at car dealerships. While it says they are for public use, I am wondering, does a Mitsubishi dealership allow you to charge a Nissan Leaf? Or do you have to find the dealership that matches your car?

Also if there are other/better databases than the one I referenced please let me know.

Gary in Vermont

You would have to call them first but nissan said they would let me charge my ford,some are open 24 hours.

Let me get this straight. You buy an electric car and drop it off at the dealer every night to charge it? My dealer has 2 charge towers out side. If you and a buddy hooked up where would the rest of the potential customers plug in,

IMHO you should look elsewhere. Nobody mentions it but the limiting factor for electric cars will be the availability of public charging facilities. I truly believe that the HIbrid will prevail.

Actually the only time i have used one is when i was 12 miles away from home and only had 8 miles left,I stopped charged it for an hour and drove home.

Recently i have contact many automobiles companies for dealership but they not gave any statement regarding charging cars at home.