Battery display droped

Working on a 2007 E2 that I sold a while back. The owner said he went a couple of miles and the display went from full charge to just two bars all at once. The red and white bars. The pack voltage is over 80v. 80 point something. It ran slow with the turtle in limp mode.When the key is turned on the battery display shows full charge for 1 second then goes down to two bars.Any ideas what it could be.

Not really enough info to make anything other than a SWAG.
What batteries are these?
How old are they?
What has the new owner done with the car in the past 5 mos?
Put a meter on the controller and monitor V as you are driving and see how far it drops. Give the pack a full checkup, Check the water(if that type), run a load test and look for a weak one.
Check all connectiosn and cables. Tight and bright is the rule.

Its got o’riley 31 dcm’s. I’ll do a load test in the morning. Kind of strange the display shows full charge for a second and then drops down.



@Old_Houseboater posted on here somewhere that he spoke with, I believe it was East Penn, the manufacturer of the 31DCM, that those batteries are not meant for EVs.

One dead or dying battery in the chain of 6 could easily drag the gem from 100% to no% in a block., think about it, you’re going from 76-78v down to 65-68 almost instantly.