2008 GEM display shows no charge

It is possible that something is wrong, but first try what @AssyRequired posted in another thread (there are lots of threads about charging, did you search?)

If you have never reset the SOC indicator it just may need recalibrating.

Resetting the SOC meter should be done when your pack has finished it’s charge cycle. Verify by plugging in the car and making sure your charger fully goes to green light (on the CHARGER Display, not the dash display). Do you know where that is?

You can reset the meter by using the following steps:

  • Turn the key on.
  • Push and release the TRIP/ODOMETER switch until it’s showing the
  • While holding the switch down, turn the RIGHT signal on, then the LEFT
    signal, then return the blinker to the center.
  • Release the TRIP/ODOMETER switch. You should be seeing data (P0105) on
    the display now. This number may be different depending on your display firmware loaded.
  • Turn the RIGHT signal on, then off repeatedly until the display reads:
    SOC (State Of Charge).
  • Push and release the TRIP/ODOMETER switch. Now it’s remaining capacity in percent.
  • You can now raise (or lower, for that matter) the SOC with the blinker
  • When you’re happy, Push and release the TRIP/ODOMETER switch. The display reads: DONE.
  • Turn the key off.

*Ignore all of the other settings in the secret menu