2008 E4 Factory Programming Settings

Ya, if only there was a way to make it so ‘users’ didn’t have to enter the decimal value for 8 bits(11111111 = 255) but instead could enter a percentage like 100. Especially when the software is already quite clunky. :wink: More resolution with 0-255 as opposed to 0-100 I presume.


Users of this software probably don’t really mentally map the numbers to anything tangible anyways but it’s likely there’s a little 8 bit MCU inside these Controllers so everything is in the range of 0-255.

I also had forgotten that I too put together a spreadsheet of settings but was asked not to publish it to prevent Joe Sixpack from blowing up his GEM.

Post the minimum recommended field current.
Not dangerous and the only setting to make motor overheat. I think.
Can brushes cause heat? I think not. Fire yes, but not heat. :slight_smile:
Did anyone look at the settings linked to above?

I am sorry. Yes, that was a typo. It was 255 indeed.

Here is a snapshot of my stock numbers
09 e2 T4

1 MPH scaling (not used) → 0
2 Creep speed → 10
3 Controlled Acceleration → 10
4 Max Armature Current Limit → 254
5 Plugging current limit → 128
6 Armature Deceleration rate → 20
7 Minimum field current → 65
8 Maximum field current → 255
9 Regen Armature current → 245
10 Regen Max Field Curve → 255
11 Turf speed limit → 255
12 Reverse Speed limit → 110
13 Rolling Radius in Inches → 104
14 R Compensation - (not used) - -
15 Battery Volts → 72
16 Gear Ratio in Tenths → 124
17 Pedal Down Field rate gain → 5
18 Pedal down field Rate offset → 64
19 Pedal Down Regen decel rate → 255
20 Pedal Up Regen decel rate → 255
21 MPH Overspeed/Top Speed Regula → 244
22 Handset Monitor (not used) - -
23 Error compensation → 10
24 Field Weakening start → 85
25 Monitor → 0
26 Ratio of Field Armature → 100

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