Victimized by Racism

Have you ever felt EV racism? While many individuals feel that EVs are something to behold, other groups disdain having EVs in their midst.

Have you ever been a victim of EV racism?

Yes, quite a lot of it. I figure they are threatened by a car that uses no gas, since they are so addicted to it. It’s like being a non-junkie in needle park.

“If you dislike change, you’re going to dislike irrelevance even more.” :slight_smile:
-General Eric Shinseki

I think a lot of the issue is, not enough people have driven properly engineered electric cars, and for most people they see the charging as an inconvenience (not as fast as gas) It’s mostly a matter of changing your mind set to how you do things. (charge every night or so) instead of when you’re just running low.

I think people are afraid of anything different. I’m sure that people freaked out when they first saw cars in general. They are driving around in very overpowered vehicles that they have put a lot of their money and energy into. Our electric vehicles use so much less energy it makes them look stupid, and they don’t like it.

We had a very disturbing incident the other day. A carload of teenagers came by my wife at a light and screamed screw you, then while we were sitting eating ice cream they came by twice more yelling and waving with just one finger. I called the cops, but to no avail. I wonder if they really do “fear this” like our sticker says.

[QUOTE=Revi;15847]We had a very disturbing incident the other day. A carload of teenagers came by my wife at a light and screamed screw you, then while we were sitting eating ice cream they came by twice more yelling and waving with just one finger. I called the cops, but to no avail. I wonder if they really do “fear this” like our sticker says.[/QUOTE]

It’s just kids with no respect any more. They need to be taught a lesson but their parents wont do anything…

Some people are very ignorant of change and this is one of the main challenges facing the EV industry.

I think the word you want is ‘criticism’, not ‘racism’.
I personally have never seen it but I suppose there is always one in a crowd. :wink:

I have not encountered any problems since I am living in a place where the use of electric vehicles are already becoming a hit. Guess a lot of people are learning the more practical way already. Plus, I do not flaunt my plugs and sockets whenever I go out. I make sure to charge it at home and drive as normal as possible to avoid hassle and to unintentionally avoid racism.

People are afraid of anything new, and don’t understand it. That produces fear which turns into anger. We aren’t doing anything to anyone, but they can’t understand why anyone would drive an electric car.

We’re putting it in a parade on Friday, so it will be visible at least.

I think as a parade float they are more accepted.

We have driven two electric cars for a while here, and this was the worst incident, so I am not that concerned, It was stressful to be screamed at three times though.