Stirling engine brainstorm

Hello, like many of you I’m ticked off at gas prices and would like to get rid of the oil monkey.
However I dont have the time or cash to do a EV conversion due to a new child, new dog, new house and a relatively new job.

I have a background in Mechanical engineering and have done some field electrical installations so I can work with my hands if needed.

Anyway here’s my idea.
How about a stirling engine to recharge your low range batteries?

One of the things I noticed about stirling engines are that they can be solar powered and operate with a 5 deg Celsius differential.

Heres a homemade Stirling generator

Using a propane torch he was able to charge a 12 volt batttry.
So how about 10 stirlings daisy chained together with the hydrogen from a Joe Cell heating them?

A propane torch will give you a temp of approx 2,000 celsius

A hydrogen flame in air will give youa bout 2,100 Celsius

Obviously insulating would be needed but what do you guys think?

There is a much simpler solution. Just purchase a Zenn Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV). They are available now, they don’t cost a fortune, and - for most people - they will handle the vast majority of ones driving needs. Mine is adjusted so that the max speed is 37 MPH, adequate for all of the city streets I travel.

My Zenn is used 100 percent for all of my local errands, and when I need to get on a freeway or interstate, I dust off the cobwebs on my ICE vehicle and use it. Savings are outstanding. Gasoline purchases are down by 75 percent, and I hardly even notice the small amount my electric bill has gone up (for charging the NEVs batteries). It is so cool. :cool:

[QUOTE=jfarrackand;4914]Hello, like many of you I’m ticked off at gas prices and would like to get rid of the oil monkey.
However I dont have the time or cash to do a EV conversion due to a new child, new dog, new house and a relatively new job.

Due to the nature of my employment I can be assigned to a job site 12 minutes away (the closest so far) or 58 minutes away (the furthest so far) via freeway/highway.

Currently I’m driving 40 minutes to work mostly freeway, and a good portion of it is highway driving at 70mph.

What I’m brainstorming about is a way to completely break the ICE necessity at my house.

Them you will have to wait - but not very long. Several electric vehicle manufacturers will be offering highway capable EVs in about a year. For example, Zenn will be offering an all-electric EV in late 2009 called the cityZenn. It will have a 250 mile range and a maximum speed of 85 mph. So hang in there. :slight_smile:

By the way, I like my Zenn - but I have no connection to the Zenn Motor Company. I’m just a retired guy in my mid seventies and an enthusiastic Zenn owner.

[QUOTE=jfarrackand;4916]Due to the nature of my employment I can be assigned to a job site 12 minutes away (the closest so far) or 58 minutes away (the furthest so far) via freeway/highway.

Currently I’m driving 40 minutes to work mostly freeway, and a good portion of it is highway driving at 70mph.

What I’m brainstorming about is a way to completely break the ICE necessity at my house.[/QUOTE]