I purchased my Zenn from Vic Staley, manager of NorthCentral Zenn, New London, Ohio. It is a 2007 Zenn model 2.22, and includes a sunroof. I have been driving it for about 2 months now, and love it. The cost for charging the battery has been very low , and I have put over 700 miles on it.
Here is a photo of my Zenn and me:
Since buying this vehicle I have made a few improvements, and plan to do a few more - such as adding a locking glove box door (an option I turned down at the time of purchase). My Zenn dealership can get me whatever parts I need.
This vehicle, being electric, is so simple. No complicated gasoline engine to maintain. no oil to change, no antifreeze to think about, no tune-ups, and no gasoline to buy. It should be a breeze to maintain.
Of course this is a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV), so it is not legal, or safe, to drive it on freeways or other high speed roadways. The controller has been adjusted with software so that my max speed is about 37 mph, and it has a summer time range of about 35 miles. The max speed of 37 mph allows me to keep right up with the traffic in my area - which are city streets and county roads. I use it for all of our daily errands, such as going to the grocery store, post office, mall, local ball games, etc.
As delivered, this vehicle just had decals (“ELECTRIC”) on both doors to announce to the world that it is an EV . I changed that by filling in the 2 inch wide horizontal indentations on the body of the car with 2 inch wide black strips (with chrome edges top and bottom) purchased from Pep Boys. Then I placed chrome plated “ELECTRIC” logos on the strips located on the doors. The logos were purchased at EV Tradin’ Post for $6.00 each. Both the strips and the logos were attached with adhesive that was already on the strips and logos.
Then I purchased and installed an inexpensive cup holder from WalMart. I MUST have coffee every day, and love going to McDonalds to get it (and to show off my Zenn). See the photo below:
Yesterday I decided to compare my electric bills before and during the two months I have been driving my Zenn, beginning in mid-January. During these two months I have averaged about 90 miles per week.
For the period of 12/13/2007 to 1/16/2008, my total household electric bill was $115.34. This was the period BEFORE my Zenn was delivered to me. At that time I had extra lights inside and outside the house for Christmas decorations, so my electric bill was higher than usual. For the period prior to that (11/12/2007 to 12/13/2007), the bill totaled $102.98.
For the period of 1/16/2008 to 2/14/2008, my total household electric bill (including recharging my Zenn battery pack) was $106.42.
For the period from 2/14/2008 to 3/14/2008, my total household electric bill (including recharging my Zenn battery pack) was $105.98.
Of course household electric bills will vary from month to month, depending on the activities of the family, but it looks like recharging my Zenn battery pack won’t have much impact on the bill.
To say the least, I am very pleased.