Morgan Plus E electric roadster

Morgan Motor Company has introduced an electric roadster by swapping a BMW V-8 for a Zytek electric motor. This company that builds old-style cars has been flirting with electric cars and alternative power for a while. Morgan says it’s only a concept, but this one looks completely ready to hit the streets:

Morgan introduces Plus E electric roadster | AutoMinded


This car has adequate looks in comparison to BMW.The only thing which still disturbs me or which I dislike in electric cars is their high price tag.

This car has adequate looks in comparison to BMW

[QUOTE=BLeyland;10797]Morgan Motor Company has introduced an electric roadster by swapping a BMW V-8 for a Zytek electric motor. This company that builds old-style cars has been flirting with electric cars and alternative power for a while. Morgan says it’s only a concept, but this one looks completely ready to hit the streets:

Morgan introduces Plus E electric roadster | AutoMinded


Very cool looking!