Lithium Battery Conversion

I bought my gear from Marlon. That was a good number for him the last time we spoke. He and I talked about reprogramming the controller but since I’ve been pleased with everything except the range I never followed up on it. I could revisit.

I still fear 40 mph and decent range with stock batteries are mutually exclusive.

having read this thread I wanted to ask if anyone thinks there really is a market for a premade lithium pack for a gem ? having finished one I do realize that I put a lot of time into the technical research it get it right . in fact I have 3 times more time into research and design then it actually took to do the conversion now i’m the type that enjoys this kind of thing and understand all this electron stuff well … I really don’t have a desire to go into business doing it but on the other hand if a few people really wanted it and don’t want to go thru the steep learning curve helping them would make sense . just wondering .

[quote=kinghappy;24964]having read this thread I wanted to ask if anyone thinks there really is a market for a premade lithium pack for a gem ?[/quote]There are too many variables to make it viable IMO. How much range do they want? Older GEM or newer? Battery location differences between models. Use a BMS or not? Bottom balance or top? SoC monitoring?

In the end, all you are giving them would be a pile of parts and maybe some written instructions. Just write up a how-to and parts list, and let them figure it out for themselves. If they can’t comprehend the info (and unwilling to learn,) then the conversion is beyond their skill level to take on in the first place.