Is the Oversight Effective?

Anyone ever gotten a ticket for Driving a GEM on a road with a speed limit higher than 35?
What about for driving over 25?

I am guessing it’s never happened. There are many on this forum that get a thrill out of 35+ mph in a Gem. I just don’t get it. Is it the “wind blowing through their hair” or testing the boundaries of “a vehicle that is designed for 25 mph”? Burning Rubber? Popping Wheelies? Or just “living on the edge” at 40 mph bumping, swaying motor screaming, rattling down the road? I can think of a number of other vehicles that would give more thrill comfortably at higher speeds. In SoCal the Gem is just a way to get downtown, or to the beach. Nothing more. Call me “over the hill”.


@js9354 - your old… :rofl:

In my case it is testing the boundaries and also trying to make something better than it was before.

That is why we are all different people - if you want to go 25mph go 25, if you want to go 50mph, go 50. :slight_smile:

@Garthhh - answering your original question, I personally have not heard of anyone getting a ticket in a LSV. I personally have been eye to eye with a couple dozen officers on the road, at stop lights, intersections. If they look twice it because they curious about the GEM, not what the GEM is doing.

I understand the hot rod mentality
Performance mods on GEM’s have pretty good bang for the buck
As a bonus none involve loud pipes
I’m not in a hurry to get something as tall & narrow as a GEM going 50, which is pretty much a jeep with a lift & a big block

I’m more interested in extended range

I have motorcycles to satisfy the need for speed

Driving the stock GEM is like pulling a big trailer in the mountains, ya pull over when the line behind gets too long

I’ve been on a 40/45 mph road with cops on it and they didn’t bat an eye.

I’ve got mine hot-rodded to top out in the lower 50s… but it’s not that I really want to go that fast in it.

  1. I personally think it’s more dangerous going 25mph in a 35. I got a lot of 1 finger salutes and some language not appropriate for my kids.

  2. I’ve got some pretty big hills to contend with. I wanted the umph to be able to climb while maintaining speed.

My old 2000 going 40+ was terrifying. My 2016 going 40, it drives just like a car.

I say - why not have both? :slight_smile: Just because it CAN go 50mph doesn’t mean you have to. I’m not sure I’ve found the top end on any of my regular cars.

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I asked my buddy who is a lieutenant with the police department. His comment was if your obeying the speed limit his guys probably don’t care. Then said he wouldn’t even know how to write a ticket for a gem doing 35 in a 40 zone. It’s not a speeding ticket so didn’t know what the violation number would even be. Though it could be a fix it ticket. My Gem will do mid 40’s but i don’t prefer going that fast, mid 30’s is enjoyable(2014). 25mph is pain full and I would sell my Gem if that is all it could do.

I suppose 25 in a GEM where the speed limit is 45 would be a similar violation to roads marked no trucks, if your driving a delivery truck

I doubt I’ll ever get scolded for having the beacon on all the time

What’s the beacon for?

Attracting cops.

(Filler to 20)

To show them his official Herschel Walker badge.

Be seen & not get run over
I’m probably assumed to be a city or university worker…

To enhance the effect I may get this turned into a 18" sticker & put one on each door


I like this cat. He’s pretty cool… for being the putz constantly holding up traffic.


Oh I get it. When you are only going 25mph you run the risk of getting run over. So you put a beacon on to lower risk. Another reason to make your Gem go faster, so you can’t get run over. Now as a faster Gem you can run over the slower Gems with the funny lights on top. It is better to be the lion than the lamb, Lol. @Garthhh , Love that sticker!

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Oh Look, I’ve struck oil
Go to any motorhead forum start talking about oil, fireworks will ensue.
Maybe a twofer, go to a scooter forum & ask what size scooter to buy, uh bigger is always better will have plenty of supporters.
Black bikes. clothes & helmets is asking for near misses, is pretty fun
Loud Pipes Save Lives, right?

I could do a combo trigger question
What kind of gearbox oil do I need for a 20hp motor, bonus points if I work in how there are no electric engines, it’s a motor!

On most roads people will lose their shyt if you are merely doing the speed limit, so what?
The world keep turning, people get to their destination a few seconds later
Is there any data supporting the notion that going faster is safer?
Plenty of opinion, endless hypotheticals, actual data for roads other than freeways, not so much…

The picture is from a sweatshirt, that I quit wearing after 9/11

I’m 68 and still love pulling 3rd gear wheelies in my Funco Hi-5 Sandcar.
So old fartisim hasn’t slowed me too much.

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Malicious Compliance
My farts aren’t old I make new ones on a shockingly regular basis

After a few months, I’ve had very few Rage Passes
Lots of pointing, smiling, waving…
I never did install the magic magnet, 25 mph is fine
I act like I’m pulling a trailer & pull over if more than a couple of cars are following
I’ve been on more than a few roads with higher speed limits, which don’t have alternatives [south Virginia]
Funny thing is when I take routes with 35 mph speed limits, my travel time is faster as there aren’t as many lights