I have a 2002 Gem and the main contactor does not engage when I release the hand brake. If I push it in manually it works until I turn the key off again. Sometime if I turn it back on again right away it will click and work fine but most times I have too pull open the dash and push the contact to get it to work. Any ideas ???
Lots of ideas, but what is the right answer? Call GEM TECH SUPPORT at 866.764.0616. It could be related to a recall issue they had on older cars. Or it could be just loss of a signal on a poor wire connection. be sure to give them the VIN of the vehicle so they can figure it out. You can email them too at gemcar.com/contact
Is there a minuns or negative number displayed still on the speedometer after the park brake is released? This would help a lot in determining the issue.
With the key on and the brake released and the indicator showing -04, check for voltage across the thin (coil) wires leading to the contactor. If you have voltage and the contactor does not pull in, it is probably no good. Also look for pitting on the terminals. Turn off the master switch, remove one of the thin wires and then check for continuity across the coil. It should have some resistance. In a decade of maintaining GEMs, I have not had a contactor issue.
[QUOTE=GEMmechanic;8185]With the key on and the brake released and the indicator showing -04, check for voltage across the thin (coil) wires leading to the contactor. If you have voltage and the contactor does not pull in, it is probably no good. Also look for pitting on the terminals. Turn off the master switch, remove one of the thin wires and then check for continuity across the coil. It should have some resistance. In six years of maintaining GEMs, I have not had a contactor issue.
Hi, new bee here i have a 2002 GEM that does not get full range have replaced the battery set with GOOD used one’s the battery level indicator drops to 75% after driving a mile same with the GOOD battery set that was on it Trojan 30 XHS, is there something else’s in the electrical drive train causing it to loose charge so early? Have remove and inspected the motor and it almost look new very small traces of carbon from the brushes and another thing when i’m at full throttle there is a micro surged on the speed as if you were backing off a little on the pedal and when i let go the accelerator pedal the motor braking is very strong as if you were stepping on the brakes. Thanks in advance
[QUOTE=jamindustries;9338]Hi, new bee here i have a 2002 GEM that does not get full range have replaced the battery set with GOOD used one’s the battery level indicator drops to 75% after driving a mile same with the GOOD battery set that was on it Trojan 30 XHS, is there something else’s in the electrical drive train causing it to loose charge so early? Have remove and inspected the motor and it almost look new very small traces of carbon from the brushes and another thing when i’m at full throttle there is a micro surged on the speed as if you were backing off a little on the pedal and when i let go the accelerator pedal the motor braking is very strong as if you were stepping on the brakes. Thanks in advance[/QUOTE]
Hi and welcome to the site. Good to have you here and I’m sure you’ll be able to get lots of good information and make a few friends also.
[QUOTE=Gene;9343]Hi and welcome to the site. Good to have you here and I’m sure you’ll be able to get lots of good information and make a few friends also.
Thank you, i’m sure to get a lot of education here on this site.
Nice beach background on your picture.
First, be sure the brakes are not dragging. The GEM should be easy to push with the brake released. Do you get any error codes? The surging at full power is a sign of a discharged or weak battery. What condition is your charger in? Your 2002 should have the Zivan NG1 charger. While these are good reliable units, the software has been upgraded. The Zivan distributer in the US is Electric Conversions, located in California. They have great technical support as well. Look on the charger for a small label saying “micro upgraded.” If your’s has this label, the upgrade has been done. Also make sure the charger is set for your type of battery. How many miles are on the GEM? I have never had an issue with the motor controller on any of our four GEMs. The luxury of having multiple vehicles is that one can switch parts to track down electrical problems.
[QUOTE=GEMmechanic;9347]First, be sure the brakes are not dragging. The GEM should be easy to push with the brake released. Do you get any error codes? The surging at full power is a sign of a discharged or weak battery. What condition is your charger in? Your 2002 should have the Zivan NG1 charger. While these are good reliable units, the software has been upgraded. The Zivan distributer in the US is Electric Conversions, located in California. They have great technical support as well. Look on the charger for a small label saying “micro upgraded.” If your’s has this label, the upgrade has been done. Also make sure the charger is set for your type of battery. How many miles are on the GEM? I have never had an issue with the motor controller on any of our four GEMs. The luxury of having multiple vehicles is that one can switch parts to track down electrical problems.
I can push the car easily and no error codes the charger will still start at red and finish at green and the dash will show 100% charge. The car has very low miles. I will check the charger setting for the type of battery used, i’ll go back and start with the battery again possibly causing this issue specially now you mentioned the surging part. Thanks for the reply, great inputs!
We have three 2002 GEMs with the Zivan charger. All have at least 10,000 miles on them. Over the years, all have needed the charger to be reprogrammed. None have had any motor or controller trouble. One way to test if the charger is working properly is to use a 12 volt automotive charger and manually charge all six batteries one at a time. This will take hours. Then, drive the GEM and see if the performance and range have improved considerably. If this is the case, I would suspect trouble with the charger. If performance and range is about the same, throughly check the batteries and then the motor and controller.
I have a 2002 four seater which may have a problem with the accelerator pedal microswitch; I was told to try cleaning the switch, but I cannot see how the pedal assembly is removed or opened up for inspection or repair.
Any experience another hands-on GEM fixit person could offer would be a great help.
Michael B
All of the parts for the throttle assembly are available from its manufaturer, Linemaster Switch Company. The pre-2005 GEM throttle is actually a electric welder’s foot switch. The micro switch only costs a few dollars. The Linemaster part number is 975-X11. The throttle assembly is unscrewed from underneath the body of the GEM. It took me while to find the screws. While inside the throttle, you should also replace the return spring, part number 975-W9, it also costs about $2. These are exact OEM parts. The GEM factory has begun to offer some of the throttle parts. These will not appear in the eight year old parts manual that most of us have. The dealer prices are also a bit higher. Below is contact information for Linemaster and my own list of alternative parts, which includes all of the throttle parts. Linemaster also has good technical support. Just ask for help with catalog number 09ASAC-5K, which is also the number for a complete throttle assembly.
LINEMASTER Switch Corporation - America’s Foot Switch Leader
[QUOTE=GEMmechanic;9445]All of the parts for the throttle assembly are available from its manufaturer, Linemaster Switch Company. The pre-2005 GEM throttle is actually a electric welder’s foot switch. The micro switch only costs a few dollars. The Linemaster part number is 975-X11. The throttle assembly is unscrewed from underneath the body of the GEM. It took me while to find the screws. While inside the throttle, you should also replace the return spring, part number 975-W9, it also costs about $2. These are exact OEM parts. The GEM factory has begun to offer some of the throttle parts. These will not appear in the eight year old parts manual that most of us have. The dealer prices are also a bit higher. Below is contact information for Linemaster and my own list of alternative parts, which includes all of the throttle parts. Linemaster also has good technical support. Just ask for help with catalog number 09ASAC-5K, which is also the number for a complete throttle assembly.
Thank you for this information, Daniel!
I hadn’t seen the reply, so I posted a new thread on this–my apologies to the forum members–still learning my way around here…
MIchael B
My problem is on a 2008 Gem E2, and is very similar to that described on the first thread…
- When the key is turned on, and the Emergency Brake Release dropped down, the red brake indicator on the dash will not go out, and the car will no go.
- Continuity test on the Microswitch at the Emer. Brake Pull Handle shows good, ie Continuity cycles on and off when the microswitch is engaged and released.
- Continuity switch is adjusted so it operates with the movement of the Emer. Brake handle.
- No Error Codes are showing on dashboard - 0 MPH on speedometer, Full Power Charge on Meter, etc.
Where can I go to see if the continuity is making it to the relay… under the dash or under the front hood?
Should there be a specific voltage reading through this specific circuit or just open and closed continuity?
Any help will be greatly appreciated. We have another identical Gem E2 that has basically been troublefree but the service issues on this particular car have been unbelievable.
You may also want to check the battery charger interlock. This opens the key switch circuit whenever the charger is plugged in. I do not have a wiring diagram for a GEM as new as yours.
Solution Found… My local dealer picked up the 2008 Gem e2 today, concerned that the controller was shot. He said the circuit of concern was supposed to register 13.8 volts, but had none. He had a spare controller at his shop and installed it to see if it corrected the issue. No change. He kept checking the circuit to find that a slow-blow fuse had blown. The cart will be back on patrol Thursday, no charge. Hooray!!!