China is pioneer in electric bikes

Currently china is leading from front in the world wide electric vehicle production and sales …

Electric Vehicle sourcing website, business networking in electric vehicle and automobile spare parts suppliers and buyers. Write and find reviews on electric scooters and cycles in Indian market. Start a EV related topic for discussion. Get a free unique page for your enterprise and go global and expand your costumer reach. Electric bike dealers can start their online showrooms and display their products online.

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[QUOTE=umurali2000;6551]Currently china is leading from front in the world wide electric vehicle production and sales …

Hub of Electric Hybrid Vehicles ?(Welcome to EVHUB.BIZ)?
Electric Vehicle sourcing website, business networking in electric vehicle and automobile spare parts suppliers and buyers. Write and find reviews on electric scooters and cycles in Indian market. Start a EV related topic for discussion. Get a free unique page for your enterprise and go global and expand your costumer reach. Electric bike dealers can start their online showrooms and display their products online.[/QUOTE]

Do these electric vehicles release lesser amount of carbon dioxide than do the fueled ones? If they do, this sure would be of great joy to nature’s advocates.

What are the other countries which are into the EV production too?