Blinking Green LED

I have a 2002 eL with 6 1 month old T1245 Trojans and the Battsix monitor.

Today after returning from a 11 mile trip, I plugged in the GEM but the charger did not come on, the BDI displayed a blinking green LED no audible alarm, and 87% capacity. The Battsix displayed 76.5V and 100% capacity. I’ve checked the battery pack with a DVM and it is in fact, 76.5V.

Normally driving the same distance daily and plugging it in, the charger kicks in immediately and draws 12.5A during stage 1 of the Zivan NG1 charging algorithm.

I assume the Zivan thinks the battery pack is fully charged and will wait until the voltage drops.

Does anyone else see this silent blinking green LED?

Thanks for your time.


We have never seen a blinking green LED on any of the GEMs we use.

Blinking green LED error code:
charge time too long timeout battery oversize, charger undersize, load test battery

This is likely the result of one or more bad batteries that won’t come up to voltage. Also, check to be sure there isn’t a battery connected backwards. Should be ±±±±±± all the way through the string. Have you tried unplugging the charger, opening and closing the master switch, and then plugging the charger back in?


I have unplugged the NG1 but I get the same results, but not opening/closing the master switch. I went back to the GEM about an hour later and the charger was working. It hasn’t happened again since the last time. I’m going to keep an eye on it and see how it operates the next several days.

The NG1 was sent back to have the upgrade performed about 4 months ago so I know the firmware is up to date.

Thanks for your input and I’ll be back if it happens again.


I got the blinking green LED again this morning, no audible. I turned the master switch off/on, plugged in the charger and off it went, working normally.

The batteries are brand new and all show the same level of charge on the Battsix I know I don’t have a bad battery. We have had ambient temps of 115F for the past couple of days and they’re predicting a few more. I’m wondering if it’s a heat related issue.


I e-mailed Electronic Conversions in Sacremento and this is the response I got from Sayyed:

“Green blinking with no audible alarm is battery temperature out of limits (over 50 C or below -10 C). It pauses for 1 hour and then tries again.”

We had 3 days where the temps here hit 46C (115F), I believe that the sensor is seeing the battery temperature as well as sensing the ambient temp and shuts down the charger. This happened again yesterday and later in the day when it cooled down the charger worked fine. I kind of thought it was temperature related and this confirms it.

This is good information.


[quote=tincup;15939]I have a 2002 eL with 6 1 month old T1245 Trojans and the Battsix monitor.

Today after returning from a 11 mile trip, I plugged in the GEM but the charger did not come on, the BDI displayed a blinking green LED no audible alarm, and 87% capacity. The Battsix displayed 76.5V and 100% capacity. I’ve checked the battery pack with a DVM and it is in fact, 76.5V.

Normally driving the same distance daily and plugging it in, the charger kicks in immediately and draws 12.5A during stage 1 of the Zivan NG1 charging algorithm.

I assume the Zivan thinks the battery pack is fully charged and will wait until the voltage drops.

Does anyone else see this silent blinking green LED?

Thanks for your time.

Yes, I have a blinking green and two solid yellow lights.