Maybe someone can help me.
My neighbors just bought a 2002 gem with lithium batteries. Upon further review it has a blue motor 7.5 horsepowe and Has a battery evo lithium setup. At first the cart ran well. Easily drove at 40 mph. After driving a couple miles it smelt like burning. The positive cable between the distribution block and dc to dc converter got really hot. It melted part of the distribution block mounted to the front of cart.
Why would get so hot? Does the cart need to be reprogrammed? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
An overheated connection point is always due to a bad connector in some way.
It was probably loose but also dirty when assembled, or sometimes a bad/failing crimp.
These can get hot enough to melt the lead off battery posts.
Even something like this is NOT a good connection.
Ok very helpful. I’ll try that and see if it helps.
After I looked closer. The cable had a washer between the bus bar and terminal. Never thought a washer between the two could cause that. Thanks again for the suggestion.
The cart is trying to tell you something. Something important. Its jumping right to step 3. You should oblige it.
Crazy things begin to happen when you start running things that require mega currents.
JrJava -
step 3. You should oblige it.
Again - Crazy things can happen.