2002 gem 4 seater. Zivan Trojan batt issues

I got a 2002 gem zivan charger Trojan batteries 2 years old. I only use my car at camp sites and I keep up on fluids in the batts, but don’t charge the batteries every 2 weeks like it’s says here. I only charge them when the charge goes under like 40% and when I’m using it at camp I charge everyday. Before the charger red light was steady now after a few hours the red light starts blinking red like every 3 seconds and when the charge is done instead of a solid green light the charger starts blinking green and bepping. Anybody what that means?

Ok by looking on this great thread I fix the problem…after a full charge and the charger started bepping I took it off charge and plugged it back in and now it’s a solid green light.