First Post!
Been reading here for a little while, and had a couple questions that I had not seen…
2001 E825 2 passenger. Got it for free with hard doors, rear window kit . Included a linkspac for it also, but the swivelpack came attached. I got REAL lucky.
Original with FLA batteries? I am going by what the service and owners manuals say on checking water regularly. I got mine with GEL batteries from the previous owner. About a year ago ( per receipt date of June 2016) they replaced 4 of them at a cost of $2000+ Other two are mismatched brands, and dated 2014. I brought them back from the dead enough to test the cart, and I am happy with it.
25-26 MPH when the batteries were at 94%, and still 23 MPH when at 60%.
Going to get Trojan T1275’s for it. I have yet to pull the dash and ID the charger. IF all is stock, it should be set already for FLA batteries, and need no adjustment. I read somewhere here the stock charger is good up to 130A@20H batteries… but the T1275’s are 150A@20H. Anything to be concerned with there? Going to pull the dash out to ID charger and have a look around later.
Several times I see people referring to the miles on their GEM cars. AFAIK, mine has only an hour meter as part of the ‘information display gauge’. Might I have an odometer I overlooked?
The 99-04 owners manual says my tires (were) 10 inch, but I have 12’s on the cart. Don’t see a problem, just something I noted.
According to the owners guide, my battery charge light is not working correctly. When the batteries were dead, it gave nothing but a red doubleflash when plugged in. After individually charging the batteries, the charger works. When plugged in, it initially flashes red, green then yellow. After a brief pause, then a flashing green at ~1.5Hz or so. Unplugging the charger, the light flashes red 4 times, pauses, then two more times. (just went down and unplugged/replugged charger to get these. I did not notice the red ‘afterlights’ before, but this is new to me.)
Any clues as to why my charge light doesn’t match what the manual spec’s?
The wiper fuse is blown, and has a 5A instead of a 7.5A. The manual calls for a 7.5A ATC fuse. HOWEVER… sure looks like a self resetting breaker in the picture. And there are warnings that running the wipers dry may result in them not working briefly…then returning. Sure sounds like a resetting breaker. Comments?
All in all, I got a fun EV for an absolutely great price. I don’t mind ‘crying once’ and getting the trojan 1275’s. I am a Clubcar/EZgo cart tech, and trojans have always impressed the heck out of me. I will charge them religiously.
I see no reference to it, and sure dont feel it… is there regenerative braking on this cart?
Thanks for reading, and hope for responses.
Located in south Brevard county, Florida. Just north of Sebastian.