RE: 2002 Loss of Power after Lithium Conversion

How confident are you in your diagnostic skills?
ie → What makes you think this is a controller issue?

same stuttering problems called out in this thread

Ah- You are referring to a thread that originated back in Jun 2019 ???

What have you tried on your car?
How much of that thread does your story actually parallel?
Was this car working well before the upgrade?
What lithium did you install?
What motor is in this car?
When was the last time this motor was serviced?
Have you ruled out the other possibilities called out in that topic?
Did you rule out too high of voltage? It seems the T2’s have a 50/50 chance of working well above 90v. For whatever reason some just don’t like going up that high and produce unpredictable and confusing results. Chasing gremlins is enough to drive some people cray-cray. Some even decide to let out the glorious smoke much to the delight of JarJarJava here.

What part of the country would you be located?

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