Programming cable

Good morning all I misplaced my programming cable and need one ASAP … who has one for sale or knows where I can get one

Thank you

INWO makes them…

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@Inwo let me know how I can get one of this cables from you…

I can put a usb cable together $125.
Not a T1 is it?
One is for T1 and one does T2-T5.

Done deal sending now t2-t5

FYI have not received payment. See pms.

Got payment but not address. I only have an hour to overnight it.

It as in our private thred.
25240 Margaret st
Summerland key fl 33042


For overnight I need a name and phone number.
Down to the last 15 minutes now. :slight_smile:

Sorry brotha just saw this msg

Luis toro