Looking to buy a motor for GEM cart new or used

Is anybody know where to find motors for a GEM car to 2014 six seater

I have a 2014 Advanced Motors and drive GU3-4002 for $450+ shipping

Do you still have the motor?

Yes, still temporary in my E6 but hope to pick up my GE tomorrow. I can pull it out in 5 minutes. Where are you?

Available??where are u at

I’m in SoCal Riverside.

I’m located in Miami area anyway you can send me a picture of the motor is it new condition no

I’m located in Riverside

I’m located if you want to sell it

I’m out of town but hit me up Saturday.

I really need this motor ASAP so if you can please reach me at my phone number 786-716-2961 thank you have a great day

I just found this. I assume you are talking about my motor?

Yes I have a 2014 gem car located in Miami and am looking to buy your motor.

Can u send me a picture of the motor

It’s still installed. I will have to get it out and get a shipping cost for you. What’s your address?

Pm me with you address

In what condition is the motor?

Sorry, I have no notices on this. If you pm me I should get it sooner.
The motor I got with a car I bought as a spare.
It’s a 2014 and is temp running my E6.
I hope to replace the motor this Sunday.
I find no problem with it.

Great sounds good bring me a picture what’s the lowest you can do it for? Thx

I will try today as my day job has been a 7 days a week job lately.