Ford Diesel 65 Mpg

Here is a car made for the times here in the US and Ford won’t sell it here. It’s sporty and touts a gps, lots of bells and whistles.’t-sell-in-us.aspx:mad:

[QUOTE=new dawn;5031]Here is a car made for the times here in the US and Ford won’t sell it here. It’s sporty and touts a gps, lots of bells and whistles.’t-sell-in-us.aspx:mad:[/QUOTE]

Such a very amazing link!
Thank you for the post.

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Thanks for linking up and its a good information for Ford lovers.

i dont aware this kind of act

Sad they wont release the fun stuff over here… :frowning:

Amazing MPG, I thought our passat TDi got good mileage.